
Meet Kat

Born-and-bred in Jersey, Kat was drawn to the spotlight at the age of four when her mother enrolled her in dance lessons after being inspired by Olivia Newton John in Grease. Although her love for dance was always strong, she developed a deeper love for cinema as she grew older and began to forge a new path and become an actor.

Artistically, Kat’s desire is to activate emotion in others, to expose truth and vulnerability, and to inspire.  At the core of her heart lies a deep curiosity that must be explored. To quote the great words of Meryl Streep, “I’m curious about people. That’s the essence of my acting. I’m interested in what it would be like to be you.”

Kat is based in New York City and has studied at the T. Schreiber Studio, Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop with Anthony Meindl, and Anthony Robert Grasso to name a few. In addition to Kat’s extensive dance and actor training, Kat is also a certified Reiki healer and former personal trainer with a deep passion for both spiritual healing, fitness, and nutrition.